WEW Cable Containment Systems

WEW 恆威電器五金製品 — 創辦於1968年, 是專業生產配電輸電設備和照明工業燈具的製造廠商, 香港政府指定供應商.承蒙各界朋友的鼎力支持, 公司業務得以不斷發展壯大,並通過 ISO9001品質體系認證.隨着香港建築市場發展需要,公司於1996年把廠房擴張到東莞市大朗鎮.公司擁有一批經驗豐富,素質良好的高級工程技術骨幹,經驗管理人才及工藝嫺熟的技術工人, 並擁有廠房2萬平方米,專業自動生產流水線18條,各種型號數控折彎機,剪板機,衝壓機近500臺, 能夠滿足市場上各種規格型號產品生產需求.

Established since 1968, WEW have been a reputable manufacturer for Lightings, Electrical Distribution and Cable Containment products. As a Government Approved Supplier, WEW have been supplying the highest quality products to numerous large scale infrastructures, In coping with the growth of construction market, WEW have expanded to 20000m². Dailong manufacturing plant in China with eighteen automated production lines along with a wide range of machineries to provide extraordinary capacity in production.

Cable Trunking

Cable Trunking , Cable Trunking Fitting and Accessories

Cable Tray

Cable Tray
Cable Tray Fitting

Cable Labber

Cable Ladder
Cable Ladder Fittings and Accessories

Floor Trunking

Floor Trunking

Wire/Cable Basket

Wire / Cable Basket and Fitting



公司生產的配電輸電和電信設備產品有: 金屬線槽 , 線梯,梳茜, 網茜, U槽, 過路箱, 插蘇箱,IP防水箱,訂製MCB/MCCB配電箱及各類五金產品等等.上述產品均能達行業 BS4678 , BS EN61084, BS EN50085,BS729/BS EN ISO1461,IEC61537 BS6946, BS5950,BS5486, BS5419,BS4293,IEC408及防水防塵IP56等品質標準.除上述品種與型號, 公司還可根據客戶要求生產同類型產品. 自1968年成立以來,我們的產品及服務贏得廣大用戶的一致好評.我們的市場領域,除了港澳和國內市場外, 還遠銷杜拜,非洲等地, 並在業內贏得了很高的知名度和美譽. 在您或您的用戶需要進一步諮詢時,請隨時與我們聯絡, 我們永遠提供優質產品與最佳服務 Complying to  British Standards and IEC standards, WEW main stream Metal works quality products includes but not limited to: – Cable Containment: Cable trunking, Cable Tray, Cable Ladder, Cable Basket – Supporting System: U-Channel and accessories – Electrical Distribution: British and European Standard MCB/MCCB Boards, Switch Gear,Panel Box,Control Box, IP Box, etc. – Lighting: Florescent T5/T8 Luminaries,Aluminum Reflector, Lighting Battern, Emergency Lighting, etc. With our experienced engineers and technicians working in our workshop and manufacturing plant, WEW can produce other metal works upon client’s request.has been underpinned in our corporate culture in delivering quality product and delivering customer services. Over decades of success WEW products are not only supplied in Hong Kong. Macau and China region, but our top quality products have been sold in recent new markets such as Dubai and the Africa. In future years to come, WEW will continue to produce and improve our top quality products as well as keeping our valued clients satisfied as always
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